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Bringing Business and IT Together – Video by CENTERITY

Our partner Centerity, in this video, tells the story of many CIOs and COOs that after making considerable investment in new technology cannot have control over the IT outages and their impact on the business of their companies. And worse than that they may not be able to unite people around the same objective for the good of the business in spite of the outage.

This situation is getting worse with the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) where each day new endpoint devices are constantly being added in order to keep up with the growth of the business and the pressures of beating the competition in a rapidly changing environment.

TheNextD found in our innovative partner Centerity the best solution developed until today to deliver to our visionary clients, throughout Latin America, the fully integrated picture –with a business perspective- of all IT infrastructure from the main central systems to the Internet of Things.

The architecture based on sophisticated algorithms of Artificial Intelligence, that feed the Machine Learning, facilitates the diagnostic of the business impact of any IT issue. In other words, you are able to analyze an IT issue contextualized by its business impact and minimize it by applying manual remediation until the final solution is found.

This state-of-the-art solution is also of great help when you have different solutions implemented in different areas with different platforms and without any connection among them. This way the Centerity platform will be of great help to be “the platform of platforms” to enable interrelation among them.

But as an image is better than a thousand words, please watch the video and contact us to discuss your own project.

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