Areas of Expertise

Designing, implementing, maintaining, and providing continuous upgrades to each of the Solutions we work on requires one or more of a wide range of fields of expertise. Some of them are listed below:

Smart Cities, Internet of Things, Integrated Lighting and Security, Smart Real Time Video and Audio Security, Seamless Interface with Video Management System, Native Interaction with Key Applications and Third Party Services and Functions, Video and Lighting Simulation, Satellite, Microwave, LoRa Networks, Wireless Networks, Artificial Intelligence Models and Algorithms, and the like.

Specialists in each of the disciplines listed above are distributed across the Professional Services Practices as described below.

Professional Services Practices

Methodologies, Best Practices, Specific Software and Tools, Lesson Learned, and the like related to the disciplines described in the Areas of Expertise are encompassed in the following Practices:


Software Development


Artificial Intelligence


Technical Engineering


Agile Project Management


We know that, although your governmental or private enterprise could already have put into place a small or big part of the solution, you may feel that your business requires something extra or upgrades to keep up with today’s market demands. That’s where we are eager to assist in the design, orchestration, and implementation to “topgrade” your current infrastructure, protecting your investment, and providing an advantageous cost-benefit ratio.

This way, our team of experts—professionally trained in the latest methodologies and technologies in each of the Practices—will work together to first make a thorough analysis of what you have, as well as understand where you’d like to go, then illuminate the journey that will put this topgraded solution at the service of your business growth.


We know that, although your governmental or private enterprise could already have put into place a small or big part of the solution, you may feel that your business requires something extra or upgrades to keep up with today’s market demands. That’s where we are eager to assist in the design, orchestration, and implementation to “topgrade” your current infrastructure, protecting your investment, and providing an advantageous cost-benefit ratio.

This way, our team of experts—professionally trained in the latest methodologies and technologies in each of the Practices—will work together to first make a thorough analysis of what you have, as well as understand where you’d like to go, then illuminate the journey that will put this topgraded solution at the service of your business growth.

We were born as a native Artificial Intelligence company and that’s why AI is in all what we do as a way to maximize the potential of the solution being implemented.