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Smart City: How “The Foam” Works – Video by Juganu

Our partner JUGANU, in this video, tells the story of how the smart lights once connected to on AC create a wireless backhaul network, in parallel with other networks (such as 4G cellular).

The fixture includes a high-quality public WiFi access service and allows 100m radius coverage around the fixture. The access service allows fast roaming between the streetlight fixtures, creating ubiquitous street coverage.

The fixture includes 2 (and up-to 4) full HD visual sensors and supports streaming video from the fixture to the control center. These high-resolution cameras with flexible angles provides unmatched cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence for superior streamlined analytics and video services as well as multiple applications.

Optimized optics provide uniform illumination, while meeting international standards for Street & Road lights. JLED fixtures withstand severe weather conditions, such as tropical rains and proximity to the sea.

The Foam by Juganu, adds to these lights the capabilities for an end2end solutions that utilizes existing public lighting infrastructure to transform public spaces into smart and fully connected environments.

Imagine a seamless connectivity, self-orchestrating from a single node spread over your entire city, from one bubble to another creating an invisible dense grid. Forget the high-cost infrastructure to LIGHT, SEE, CONNECT, and THINK to make smart decisions on top of providing bandwidth to people.

In summary think beyond light for a truly connected world. A well-illuminated and secure city, park, port, parking lot, etc. makes residents and visitors feel at ease and enjoy the beautiful place even more while business flourishes at hours that were unimaginable before this transformation. Welcome to Juganu’s revolution for the wellness of people.

But as an image is better than a thousand words, please watch the video and contact us to discuss your own project.

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