Technical Engineering Professional Services Practice

Every solution requires the technical expertise to design the solution itself and / or integrate to current infrastructure as smoothly as possible, balancing the new investment with the resources you have already invested in.

This team acts time after time in support of the Software Development and / or Artificial Intelligence Practices, cooperating with simulation scenarios to conceptualize the new solution and being able to show you clearly, during the Proof of Concept or Prototype stage, what the new implementation will look like to ensure that it will meet your business expectations.

Another key role of this team is to identify, develop and design, and / or integrate specific “gadgets” to get a native performance of what has been implemented.

Technology-led Solutions

Our technical resources are fully trained on Routing, Switching, WiFi Networks, LoRaWAN, HTS (High-Throughput Satellite), LTE/4G/5G, Fiber Optics, Drones, IP Multimedia Subsystem, and the like aimed at run end-to-end projects that are addressed to retailers, logistics, schools, government, banking, telecommunications companies, ports, airports, agriculture & livestock, and any other vertical that we are working with.

Our deployment involves metropolitan areas as well as rural zones where we aim to bring a better quality of life, opportunities and progress to students and local folks alike from remote areas, providing in conjunction with local private entrepreneurs and government, internet of quality to farmers, rural folks, schools and educational institutions across regions.

Technical Simulations

These techniques will provide peace of mind in advance so that the user will know what is being implemented beforehand and what the expected results will be before making any new investment, as it is part of our approach to include in the simulation the existing devices as a way to protect the investment you have already made.

Expectations are the key to building the different scenarios that will define characteristics of the cameras, heights, definition, etc. that will ensure the right image quality is provided and get the expected results out of the Artificial Intelligence Algorithms.


Every project is a unique piece of art for us and we try to tailor it at a reasonable and competitive cost, which is why, at all times, in order to optimize your investment, we not only develop software, but also create specific boxes to cover the particular needs of your business.

Of course, there will be a balance between using the standard already developed artifacts available in the market with specific developments that will make, and according to your appreciation, a totally-integrated and tailored-made solution that covers all your needs.


Every project is a unique piece of art for us and we try to tailor it at a reasonable and competitive cost, which is why, at all times, in order to optimize your investment, we not only develop software, but also create specific boxes to cover the particular needs of your business.

Of course, there will be a balance between using the standard already developed artifacts available in the market with specific developments that will make, and according to your appreciation, a totally-integrated and tailored-made solution that covers all your needs.

Team of Experts

This Practice is the home of our Architects and Technical Experts that will be key in the implementation and deployment of the project.

We assembly the right resources for each project, blending resources from all the Practices and guided and coordinated by a seasoned Project Manager, who will ensure the implementation occurs smoothly and on-time, making sure the right resources are available at the moment the project requires them.